Thursday, May 6, 2010

Recently, a friend and I were discussing how uncomfortable it is for us when we start having our children learn a new Bible verse. She was in the middle of having her children learn Proverbs 25:28, "Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control." Well, as God would have it, He started to reveal to her areas in her own life where she needed self-control. We had a good laugh at how when we start teaching our children something, God usually shows us where we need to learn it as well.

The current verse our boys are learning? Deuteronomy 5:15, "Honor your father and mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may have long life and it may go well with you in the land the Lord your God has given you."

This is a nice theory until your husband's parent's house gets flooded out. You realize there is no way they have the strength and energy to clean up the mess themselves. You find out they don't have flood insurance to cover the expense of a big company coming in to do the clean up for them. This all occurs about six weeks before you are expecting baby #4 and it slowly dawns on you that there isn't a time frame on "honoring your father and mother." It doesn't say we are supposed to honor them as long as you live under their roof. You honor them as long as they continue to be your father and mother. And so if your father and mother need help cleaning up the mess from an epic flood, their children should be the first ones there to volunteer!

My first reaction is to say, "What?! Don't you have a brother that doesn't have children or a pregnant wife? Can't he do it?" (And in fairness, he probably will go help out.) I'm wondering how I am supposed to take care of my rambunctious three boys that need a daily dose of wrestling for possibly two weeks when I'm 34 weeks pregnant. What do I do if I go into early labor and Patrick isn't here?

Funny thing how God teaches us right along side our children. They get to see in action, us living out God's commands. We've been able to talk about how Daddy might be gone for awhile and it is because he is honoring Grandmama and Grandaddy. And they get it. They will be sad. They will miss him. I will miss him and how much he helps me with the boys. But while we are living out God's commands, I am looking forward to seeing God's promise.

That it may go well...

God's strength will be my strength. Our church family will be there with offers to watch the boys here and there. Patrick's parents, in their old age, will be blessed and honored and I think that is the most important thing of all.

1 comment:

  1. .......that it may go well with you......Yes, honoring our parents does go hand in hand with things going well in our lives. You cannot ignore duty and honor and expect to live a healthy life. We will take care of you. And I think that, just to prepare, I will work on the verse "Jesus wept." With three children I have lots of opportunities to weep. :)
